Customer service management


Built for eBay sellers - By eBay sellers

As former eBay sellers, we are aware of the small things that matter to you, we are familiar with the different workflows and know exactly what you need to seamlessly manage your customer support.

We’ve built Crazy Vendor so that you could manage your entire customer support cycle in an easy and intuitive way. Our platform is packed with features especially built so that you can close your tickets in the minimum time possible while keeping your customers satisfied and ready for future purchases.

Returns & Cases

Starting today - Close all of your tickets without opening eBay

We know how frustrating eBay’s messaging and ticketing system can be, which is precisely why you could handle all of your tickets in Crazy Vendor without even opening eBay.

We know how frustrating eBay’s messaging and ticketing system can be, which is precisely why you could handle all of your tickets in Crazy Vendor without even opening eBay.

Multiple Sources

Tired of jumping between accounts? Good thing you’re here!

As many of us know by now - in a lot of cases, eBay sellers own multiple eBay accounts and stores, some even sell on their own WooCommerce/Magento websites.

Since we know how time-consuming jumping between different accounts and platforms to answer inquiries can be, in Crazy Vendor, you can connect an unlimited amount of eBay stores and Gmail accounts, so that all of your tickets appear in 1 place. eb Shoe4u Shoes store 5860$ eb AutoMshop Automotive replacements 12803$

Automatic Messages

Starting today - Close all of your tickets without opening eBay

We know how frustrating eBay’s messaging and ticketing system can be, which is precisely why you could handle all of your tickets in Crazy Vendor without even opening eBay.

We know how frustrating eBay’s messaging and ticketing system can be, which is precisely why you could handle all of your tickets in Crazy Vendor without even opening eBay.


Stop looking for bits and pieces of information - All of it could be in 1 screen right in front of you.

You’ve just received a message, and you want to close it as fast as possible, now you only need to - open the document with your ready templates, find the necessary order information, check its tracking status and then replace all of the placeholders in the template, piece of cake.

In Crazy Vendor, all of this would’ve been done in 2 clicks. Just beside the ticket, you’ll see the entire customer and order information, his order history and all of his past tickets. Also, you can implement pre-made quick replies with smart tags which will pull and implement the required information in the reply instantly.

Quick replies

Stop wasting time on typing - Answer tickets instantly

Are you typing your messages manually and you need to search some document for the correct template to provide a customer with an answer? - there’s no doubt this process is time-consuming.

Join Crazy Vendor today, and you won’t need to waste that time ever again. With pre-made templates, you can implement them with just a few quick clicks and smart tags which are replaced with the customer’s/order details instantly so you can shorten your response time to a few seconds.

Boost Positive Feedback and Keep Customers Happy with Crazy Vendor Amazon CRM Software

Amazon sellers create more sales, repeat buyers, and positive reviews (and prevent negative feedback) with a reputation for fast technical support to customer queries (and quick resolution of customer issues.) Create the superstar-level Amazon customer satisfaction your business needs to thrive with eCommerce tools to improve your digital office and automate mundane tasks.

Centralized Dashboard

Centralize all your Amazon Messages in one place

Crazy Vendor CRM for Amazon combines customer messages from all your Amazon marketplaces into one ticket-based, multi-inbox CRM solution with benefits for your entire .

Additionally, you can integrate multiple other selling channels and social media channels, such as eBay, Shopify, Etsy, Facebook, and many more!

Put an end to dozens of open browser tabs and manage your customer service in a few clicks with a simplified, sales-driven workflow to sell your products effectively.

Smart Workflow

Automatically assign Amazon tickets and organize with custom filter views

By creating an organized and automated system for your support agents, you will save countless hours for your business. Using Crazy Vendor Amazon orders manager integration, customer service teams and fulfillment departments can sort incoming messages automatically according to their workflow.

When your business receives a new customer inquiry, your automatic Amazon CRM automatically assigns the new tickets to the correct customer service rep based on message text, customer and details, and order info. What's more, your Amazon CRM includes features that can modify tickets before assigning them to your service agents, creating a system of smart, selective requests from buyers.

Auto responder and templates

Decrease reply times with Amazon auto responders and email templates

Create autoresponder replies and common answers that send to your buyers based on message content, item details, and order data, so your brand responds to common questions immediately without effort or delay. In addition, the Amazon CRM can dynamically fill customer info and order info into the text of your automatic Amazon replies.

Plus, you can create a collection of auto-personalized reply templates, answers, and branded sign-offs for your support agents to use that will significantly decrease response times

Better Teamwork

Analyze and improve your Amazon support team performance

Get the tools you need to create an efficient team and customer management plan for your Amazon business.

Organize and analyze your customer service team performance using tools that integrate directly with your Amazon CRM system. Easy charts and CSV downloads allow you to quickly see ticket activity, team participation, reply tallys, across multiple users and multiple support channels.

Multichannel Order Management

Manage and fulfill your Amazon orders fast.

Streamline your team's work by managing all your customer orders with the same Amazon CRM software you use for customer messages.

Every Amazon ticket includes an efficient details panel with

  • order data,
  • recent purchase history,
  • conversation history,
  • product info, and
  • shipping details,

Taking your team to even higher levels of efficiency, you can even refund, cancel, and take other order actions on the same page as the customer's ticket.

Multiple Selling Channels

Easily Cross-List Your Amazon Products to Multiple Selling Channels

Crazy Vendor makes it easy for you to list your products from Amazon to a variety of new selling platforms and marketplaces. Our app enables you to easily publish and manage products across all your selling channels, and to quickly and automatically sync inventory and pricing information to keep your listings competitive and up to date. Thanks to Crazy Vendor, multichannel commerce is now more accessible than ever, enabling you to grow your business more easily than ever before.

Secure Payments

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  • Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare.
  • Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget.
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